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View your ogranization website. Click "back" on your browser to return to the Admin Menu

How to create, edit and preview your Homepage


To Do

The To Do List is the first page that appears when logged in to TTP. View personal training requirements such as courses, due dates and most recent viewing of each course.

More Information on Training



View information about personal Training History for the logged user: Course Names, Dates Viewed, Scores, Required Passing Scores, and pass/fail information. If you have already passed a course it will show a link to "View Certificate". Columns can be sorted by clicking on the blue column headings.

More information on Training



List contact information for your oganization.

How to add or update organization contact information


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Training Reports

Completion Report - View courses completed by all users in the organization

Not Completed Report - View courses not completed by all users in the organization

Course Registration Report - View course registration information for all users including the date of their last login to the system

Training Progress Graph

  • Total # of students registered for each course
  • Total # of students who have completed each course
  • Total # of students who have not completed each course

Training Progress Graph % - View a graph of the percentage of students who have completed each course

Project Reports

Dept. of Ed. Project Report - View Minnesota Department of Health Reports for the current fiscal year or for all years.

FIN Code Report - View Financial Code Reports for the current fiscal year or for all years.

Building Expenditures Report - View Building Expenditure Reports of the current fiscal year or for all years.

Category Expenditures - View Category Expenditure Reports for the current fiscal year or for all years.


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Admin Menu

Website Manager

Organization Manager

Training Manager

Project Manager

HandiForm Manager


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Website Manager

The Website Manager provides a link between your administrative program and an integrated website. Here you control how the website appears and decide which information will be available to the public.


Customize menu items on your website.  Add, delete, edit and arrange items using four main categories.

Help topics for Menu items:


Post news items, bulletins, job openings, upcoming projects etc. to communicate with all staff members in a centralized location. A useful feature is the ability to easily post news items for a specific time period, which eliminates the need to manually delete them after they are no longer relevant.

Help topics for News items:

Custom Pages

Create custom pages with text, tables, images, video, and hyperlinks.

Help topics for Custom Pages:

Homepage Text

Customize the content of the homepage on your organization's website.

Help topics for Home Page:


Upload, Edit, Preview or Delete files in TTP such as spreadsheets, documents and images.

Help topics for Files:

Related Links

Build a page for commonly visited websites.  You can sort the list with the most popular links towards the top and least visited towards the bottom.

Help topics for Related Links:

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Organization Manager

Import your organization's information such as employees, departments, building info etc. These details are then integrated throughout the system. 

Organization Information

Include basic information about your organization such contact information. Once entered this information will appear on your Contact Page.

Help topic for Organization Information:


Centralize user information in single location for use with training registration and record keeping.

Help topics for Users:


Create departments with job descriptions, job safety analyses (JSA's), and training curriculum. This information is automatically associated with a curriculum chart providing a dashboard for department details. Each department can also create their own homepage in the same way as the organization as a whole.

Help topics for Departments:


Keep records of building information that can be used when implimenting projects.

Help topics for buildings:

Drop Down Lists

System Codes allow identify information when using dropdown list. For example, if you are choosing a building from a dropdown list only information identified as a building will be shown.

Help topics for System Codes:

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Training Manager

Create written plans and training curriculum based and associate them with specific job descriptions.

Job Descriptions

Help topics for Job Descriptions:

Written Plans

Create written plans using a simple template and relate them to the appropriate training curriculum.

Help topics for Written Plans:


View and update Training content such as video content and exam content, as well as create relationships between training curriculum and written plans.

Help topics for Courses:

Completion Reports

Completion Report - View courses completed by all users in the organization

Not Completed Report - View courses not completed by all users in the organization

Course Registration Report - View course registration information for all users including the date of their last login to the system

Training Progress Graph - View a graph of:

  • Total # of students registered for each course
  • Total # of students who have completed each course
  • Total # of students who have not completed each course

Training Progress Graph % View a graph of the percentage of students who have completed each course


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Project Manager


Help topics for Projects:

Funding Sources

Help topics for Funding Sources:

Project Managers

Assign project managers within the organization. When creating projects, assign managers to specific projects from this list.

Help topics for Project Managers:

Approved Vendors

Add approved vendors for your organiztion and associate them to specific projects.

Help topics for Vendors:

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