In the Training Manager

Select Courses

From the Course List click on the Course Title.

In the Course Manager Select Register Students

You can register students for training individually or by Job Title.

To Select Users Individually:

Make sure the By User box is checked (It is checked by default). The dropdown menu with job titles will be grayed out.

Choose Users from the List by clicking on their names to highlight them.

Tip: To select multiple users hold the Shift or Ctrl keys.

the highlighted students for either Required or Optional Training.

To Select Users based on Job Title:

Uncheck the By User box. The dropdown menu with job titles will become available.

Choose the Job Title from the list for which you intend to register students.


Only Users with the Job Title you have chosen will appear in the list.

Tip: To select multiple users hold the Shift or Ctrl keys.

the highlighted students for either Required or Optional Training.

To Unregister Users from a course.

Highlight the registered students you wish to remove.


Relate Course to Plan